Experiment with a moratorium of several years on recruitment from outside La Reunion Island in National Education: Reunionnese Communist Party (PCR) proposal
Promote The Recruitment of Reunionese Teachers in La Reunion
16 July 2024, by
As every year, the problem arises of the transfer to France of Reunionese newly established teachers while at the same time positions are vacant in La Reunion. Unemployment does not spare young graduates in La Reunion and our island is an attractive territory for teachers in France: 53% increase in salary, while health conditions are at the level of France, and insecurity is lower. Adaptation to the margins of law is not enough. To resolve the situation, since 2007 the PCR has proposed a moratorium on transfers to our island of civil servants from outside Reunion.
The approaching school year sees the same problem arise every year. Reunionese accepted in a National Education teacher recruitment competition must go and do their internship in France. As they are not tenured, they are not entitled to the various assistance for their move. The argument put forward is the national character of the competition: the new teachers can be appointed to any academy in the Republic. Some must renounce because they already have a family and children in La Reunion. They are often appointed to Academies that are little in demand by teachers in France, particularly in the Paris suburbs. Previously, this exile mainly concerned Reunionese teachers who had barely had tenure.
Adaptation to the margins of common law is not enough
This situation is experienced by the victims as a real injustice, especially since at each start of the school year, positions are vacant and are then filled by contract workers who are not civil servants.
So that more Reunionese are teachers in La Reunion, a specific rule has been created. When a teacher can prove that he has moral and material interests in La Reunion, he benefits from a bonus of 1000 points on his scale only if he requests a transfer to a school in La Reunion. These 1000 points are the equivalent of more than 20 years of seniority in a priority education zone. They allow Reunionese to be appointed to La Reunion once they have been established, or to return to their island quickly after a few years. This explains why of the hundreds of new teachers transferred from France to La Reunion, a very large proportion are Reunionese.
But these 1000 points do not apply to trainees, because they are not tenured.
Furthermore, La Reunion is a very popular destination, because it allows a civil servant to see his salary increase by 53%, while health conditions are at the level of France, and insecurity is lower.
These phenomena combine to cause Creole-speaking teachers to be replaced by French-speaking teachers in a country where Creole is the mother tongue and the most spoken.
Adaptation to the margins of law is not enough
The precedent of teachers recruited after the Brevet only in La Reunion
The current framework in this area is the application of law. National Education is a centralized responsibility in Paris. The Reunion Communist Party has made several proposals to resolve the situation. Indeed, the level of training of Reunionese is rising and many compatriots can be potential winners of National Education teacher recruitment competitions. At the same time, more than half of young people leaving school are unemployed, and the diploma does not protect against the shortage of jobs.
Since 2007, the PCR has therefore proposed a moratorium on transfers to our island of civil servants from outside La Reunion. It is an approach which aims to maximize the possibilities of recruiting Reunionese to meet the needs of National Education in La Reunion. It is inspired by a policy carried out by the State in the 1960s and 70s: recruiting teachers at Brevet level in La Reunion, when recruitment at Bac level was the law. A whole generation of teachers recruited in this way did remarkable work. Some of them even held important political positions.
This measure was clearly aimed at favoring local recruitment to meet the demand for teachers. The state had implemented this policy. Why not experiment with a measure in the same direction.