Chikungunya à La Réunion : 204 nouveaux cas signalés en une semaine
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Creation of a platform of 17 anti-colonial organizations from the West Indies, Guyana, Corsica, Kanaky and Polynesia
20 July 2024, by
The International Front for the Liberation of the Last French Colonies was created on July 18 in Baku, during the first Congress of the French Colonies, 53 years after the Convention of Morne-Rouge. The International Liberation Front aims to be “a centralized platform against French colonialism.” The independence organizations of the Baku Initiative Group have chosen to give an international dimension to their struggle, as is the case in Kanaky New Caledonia.
The world has changed profoundly, more than 50 years after Morne-Rouge. It is reorganizing around BRICS+. The Congress of the French Colonies is part of this dynamic which announces a new era without the hegemony of Western leaders. It is possible to build a world based on cooperation and win-win partnerships in the Global South.
La Reunion Island shares many points in common with the countries represented at the first Congress of the French colonies.
On July 17 and 18, the first Congress of the French colonies was held in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan. It was organized by the Popular Union for the Liberation of Guadeloupe (UPLG) and the Baku Initiative Group.
The Baku Initiative Group includes the following organizations:
- Kanaky New Caledonia: FLNKS (Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front); MJKF: (Young Kanak Movement in France)
- Polynesia: Tavini Huiraatira
- Guyana: MDLS (Movement for Decolonization and Social Liberation)
- Martinique: PALIMA (Party for the Liberation of Martinique)
- Guadeloupe: ANG (Alyans Nasyonal Gwadloup); CIPPA (Alternative Projects Initiative Committee); FKNG (Fòs pou konstwi nasyon Gwadloup); KSG (Kolèktif pou sove Gwadloup); MIR (International Movement for Reparations); UPLG (Popular Union for the Liberation of Guadeloupe); CIPN (International Committee of Black Peoples)
- Corsica: Nazione
For two days, the debates at the Congress of the French Colonies made it possible to address the anti-colonial struggle waged in these countries. The main theme was “the emergence of an international liberation front.”
This July 18, 2024, the conclusion of this Congress was the signing of the Declaration founding the “International Front for the Liberation of the Last French Colonies”. This international front will allow members of the Baku Initiative Group to better coordinate as “a centralized platform against French colonialism.”
The day before, the FLNKS held a press conference where it notably demanded the withdrawal of French troops stationed in Kanaky New Caledonia, and took a position against the project aimed at detaching the region of the capital Nouméa from the rest of the country.
All the countries represented at this Congress were invaded by French armies and annexed. Officially, Corsica did not have the status of a colony, even though this country was independent and had a Constitution at the time of the French invasion. The other countries had colony status until 1946. They became overseas departments and territories under French law. The citizens of these countries have French nationality, and the laws passed by the French Parliament apply identically in the departments.
In the late 1960s, organizations from these countries organized joint actions to decolonize. In 1968 there was the declaration for Autonomy signed in particular by the Reuniones Communist Party, then in 1971 the Morne-Rouge Convention bringing together 15 organizations from Martinique, Guadeloupe, La Reunion and Guyana, including the communist parties and the CGT.
The Morne-Rouge Convention took note of the failure of “departmentalization” and called for responsibility to be taken to resolve fundamental problems: this was the definition of the Autonomy project.
50 years later, other organizations are working together to develop the relationship between Paris and their countries. They decided to give an international dimension to their struggle to advance the demand for independence.
This method has proven itself. It enabled significant progress in the fight for the return to independence of Kanaky New Caledonia. On September 24, it will be the Declaration of Sovereignty announced by the Caledonian Union.
The world has changed profoundly, more than 50 years after Morne-Rouge. It is reorganized around BRICS+ including Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Iran and Ethiopia. Africa is working on an organization that challenges the borders resulting from colonization through economic integration. Asia and Oceania created RCEP, the world’s largest economic organization.
The Congress of the French Colonies is part of this dynamic which announces a new era without the hegemony of Western leaders. It is possible to build a world based on cooperation and win-win partnerships in the Global South.
It should be noted that La Réunion was not represented at the first Congress of the French colonies. However, it shares many points in common with Guadeloupe, Guyana and Martinique. Our island is in fact still subject to serving the interests of the capitalists of the former metropolis. This is neocolonialism. Public transfers paid in the form of salaries, business aid and social benefits are transformed into private profits for mainly French companies. Companies outside La Reunion Island control strategic sectors of the economy such as energy, water, social housing, construction and mass distribution.
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