This June 29, in Saint-Denis

Kanaky New Caledonia : Meeting of the Reunionese Communist Party

1 July 2024, by Manuel Marchal

This June 29, the Reunion Communist Party organized a discussion meeting on Kanaky New Caledonia. Events are accelerating there. The Caledonian Union announced the proclamation of the declaration of sovereignty on September 24, a sovereignty which is no longer negotiable. 50 states are already ready to support it.
During this time, repression escalated: Kanak activists were arrested and deported to France. International support and the latest UN resolution show the international dimension of the issue. From now on, a dialogue between Caledonians under the aegis of the UN appears to be the outcome opening the way to reconciliation.
The descendants of Reunionese immigrants to Kanaky New Caledonia, the “Bourbonnais”, constitute 10% of the population, a significant proportion. Back to a moment of sharing.

This Saturday, June 29 at 2 p.m., the PCR (Reunionese Communist Party) organized a discussion meeting on Kanaky New Caledonia. This initiative came a week after the deportation to France of Kanak political prisoners, the leadership of the CCAT. For the PCR, the first motivation for this meeting is solidarity to demand the release of prisoners and their return to Kanaky New Caledonia.
Ary Yée Chong Tchi Kan, PCR Secretary for International Relations, then explained the situation. He recalled the responsibility of the French government in the crisis. The vote on a constitutional bill by the deputies on May 13 ignited the powder. Tension had been brewing for several months. Major peaceful demonstrations organized by the CCAT had taken place for 6 months to demand the withdrawal of this text which aims to make the return to independence of Kanaky New Caledonia impossible by making the Kanaks a minority in the electoral body brought to express yourself on this issue.
Faced with violence from armed anti-independence militias and repression, Caledonians are organizing. They now refuse to discuss with the French government. They appealed to the UN. Kanaky New Caledonia was on the agenda of the Decolonization Commission. The adopted resolution calls for respect for the decolonization process provided for in the Nouméa Accord.

Declaration of sovereignty on September 24

September 24 will be the 171st anniversary of the annexation of Kanaky New Caledonia to the French Colonial Empire. This date was chosen by the Caledonian Union to proclaim the declaration of sovereignty of Kanaky New Caledonia. This approach has found support all over the world.
The entire transition architecture under the aegis of France is called into question by government decisions. He decided to hold the last referendum in the midst of a period of mourning caused by COVID-19. The result of this referendum is not recognized by the separatists.
“Deporting Kanaks without being tried contributes to the tense situation. We campaign for peace. This was possible in South Africa with reconciliation,” recalls Ary Yée Chong Tchi Kan. “The problem is now being resolved between Caledonians under the aegis of the UN.”

Risham Badroudine, member of the Central Committee of the PCR, explained one of the reasons for the crisis. He read a circular from Pierre Messmer, Prime Minister, indicating in substance that Kanaky New Caledonia constituted an opportunity to emigrate a large population there in order to ensure the definitive anchorage of the country to France. For this, it was necessary to make the Kanaks a minority in their country with emigration from France, and also from Reunion.

The “Bourbonnais” constitute 10% of the population

These descendants now constitute 10% of the population. Called “Bourbonnais”, they are integrated into society.
Some of the immigrants were Reunionese expelled from Sakay in Madagascar.
The Caledonian people also include descendants of North Africans who were deported during the colonization of North Africa from the 19th century.
Peace must be paramount. The French government is asked to stop the escalation. Violence comes from authority. Weapons banned for maintaining law and order in France are used in Kanaky New Caledonia, for example a de-encirclement grenade.
Pacale David reported on the social situation. “Young people are revolting because they are marginalized in their country, like in Reunion. It’s a neocolonial situation,” she said.
“The PCR is anti-colonialist, it says that we must give back their freedom to the Kanak people,” said Ary Yée chong Tchi Kan for whom “it is important to talk about it quietly in Reunion. Instead of reporting emotion, we work on exchanges between Reunionese. By September 24, another meeting will take place.”

Top NewsKanaky Nouvelle-CalédonieReunionese Communist Party PCR

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