Chikungunya à La Réunion : 362 nouveaux cas en une semaine
18 févrierMenace persistante en pleine saison des pluies
The Gambia
16 September 2012
Press statement on the execution of nine (9) death row inmates.
The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission), is deeply concerned about the Press Release issued by the Government of the Republic of The Gambia confirming the execution by firing squad of the following nine (9) death row inmates on Sunday 26th August 2012:
- Dawda Bojang;
- Malang Sonko;
- Ex-Lieutenant Lamin Jarjou;
- Ex-Lieutenant Alieu Bah;
- Ex-Sergeant Lamin F. Jammeh;
- Buba Yarboe;
- Lamin B.S Darboe;
- Gebe Bah; and
- Tabara Samba.
These executions are in total disregard of the obligations of the Republic of The Gambia under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, other regional and international human rights instruments to which the Gambia is a party, as well as the Constitutive Act of the African Union in which the “respect for the sanctity of human life” is a principle that should be followed by each Member State [Article 4(o)].
This execution is a set back to the gains made by the State towards the eventual abolition of the death penalty, considering that the moratorium had been observed by the State for the last thirty-one (31) years. The Commission therefore reiterates its call to the Government of the Republic of The Gambia to continue to observe the moratorium on the death penalty and to take all necessary measures to ensure that remaining prisoners on death row are not executed.
Banjul, The Gambia, 29 August 2012.
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, September 16, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/
Menace persistante en pleine saison des pluies
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